Local, Homemade and Always Fresh
Nick Melita @melitagram
Lucie Liz
Rodnae Productions
Edan Maoz is a designer who works and lives in San Francisco. His technical talents and naturally scientific mind are also applied to his new business venture—baking bagels.
"One day I woke up and wanted to emulate a bagel that we used to get when I was a kid, the spicy asiago. It took me tens of iterations to get it close, and tons of experimentation since then to manipulate certain characteristics of the bagel. I definitely try to treat it very much as a science, rather than an art. I want to provide, a very intimate culinary and purchasing experience."
Since attention to flavor and the overall experience are his biggest concerns, it inspired us to create a brand that is straightforward, welcoming, and transparent. The addition of ingredients suggests precision and passion.

The logo is minimal and, contrary to the convention, does not feature a business name, but a tagline that reads: Water+Flower+Yeast+Love. This approach removes focus from the person to the product and emphasizes the ingredients and care it takes to create a perfect bagel—it makes the quality and flavor central to the brand. Stamping rather than printing the collateral further supports the hand-crafted nature of the brand.

Edan wanted his goods to feel like a special occasion treat, similar to a farmer's market experience, so we introduced raw and familiar materials like kraft paper, to make the brand feel authentic and friendly.